About Ulrike Granögger

Solari science host Ulrike Granögger is a researcher and lecturer passionate about the convergence of science with spirituality. She calls this integration of right- and left-hemispheric thinking a “Future Science” that is based on astonishing scientific discoveries that may have gone unnoticed by the public and academia thus far but are bound to change the paradigm of human perception in the near future.

As a leading member and the operational director of the Academy For Future Science in Europe for over 20 years, Ulrike has taught, translated, and published numerous titles and conferences based on biblical scripture and the cosmology of The Keys of Enoch, the seminal book by author and visionary J.J. Hurtak. Originally trained as a linguist with a degree in Comparative Literature from Vienna University, she understands the uniquely human power of higher language and the pictographic conceptualization of reality through myth and symbol.

In addition to scientists like Peter Gariaev and others, she has worked with Russian Prof. V.P. Kaznacheev and Dr. A.V. Trofimov of the Institute of Anthropoecology in Novosibirsk on the consciousness-time effects of the “Kozyrev Mirror” and the epigenetic effects of the “hypo-magnetic chamber.” She has also carried out extensive research with Hartmut Müller on the interscalar model of the fractal universe, which shows a mathematical interconnectedness of all scales of matter-energy.

About the Future Science Series

Watch this short video to learn more about the series and its aims.